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Social Media sites generate millions of dollars in revenue with targeted advertising, based on yourpersonal information. As such they encourage registered users to provide as much information as possible.
With the increasing Global use of Social Media , there are more opportunities than ever before to identify or perpetrate online fraud.
As an example if you post that you are away and on holidays you realistically open yourself up for a possible burglary. This is no different from posting that you are away on a business trip.
The following profile elements can be used to steal or misappropriate your identity.
Now you’re asking “Yourself” why would the list above compromise your identity; below are a couple of examples how your identity can be compromised.
Before you jump online and cancel all your social media accounts, consider there are ways to be smart about who you share and who you share it with. By considering the best practices below , you can enjoy the benefits of social media without making yourself a target.
We must continue to educate ourselves, on the proper use of Social Media as it relates to protectingYOUR PRIVACY and personal Security .